Almost Home Foster Kennels

Dianne Snater
Almost Home Foster
MN LIcense #132328

Newbie Found His Saints

plural nounsaints

And, as the cliché goes…if one were to look up Saint in the dictionary, one would find a photo of Mark and Roberta there.

Newbie, nka Rudy, came to Almost Home Foster/Rescue by way of Robertson County in Kentucky.  First thing Aletha Thomas, ACO learned, Newbie was a survivor…he was a fight or flight kinda’ guy and flight he did.  He slipped his collar while being loaded for transport to the Veterinarian.  For the next two weeks, Newbie enjoyed his unsupervised walk-abouts; staying near enough to the compound, yet just out of reach of anyone’s grasp.

Newbie was welcomed into rescue and although fully vetted, we were in no great hurry to upset his world once again.  Newbie was in foster, with rescue, for 6 months.  He finally came into a comfort zone, and we were allowed to handle him, without flight.  It was time for Newbie to learn to trust another.

Newbie was welcomed into the home and hearts of Mark and Roberta.  And although Newbie is still on his two-week sleepover period, he has already started to relax, play with toys with his new fur-brother Jack, or by himself.  He loves his walks, even caught a mouse and even scared-up a rabbit.  Well, he is a hunting dog.

Thank you Mark and Roberta for giving him a chance.  For allowing him to become family.

Heart hugs always.


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