Almost Home Foster Kennels

Dianne Snater
Almost Home Foster
MN LIcense #132328

From Puppy Mill to Furever Home….

Little Ivy, all 8.6# of her, came to Almost Home Foster/Rescue when she was released from a puppy mill.  Her life, all 10 years of it, had been spent in a crate, encased in wire, waiting to be freed from her confines.  Ivy was used for breeding; that was her job.  She came from a facility where she received no handling, no cuddles, no love, or compassion.  She only existed.


The miller released her.  He no longer needed her.  She was too old and the risk too great; she may not be able to carry her pregnancies any longer.  So, he released her.  This was Ivy’s Godsend.  Ivy was released to AHFK.  That was the day that Ivy’s real life began.


Ivy knew nothing of grass, or of a yard, or of this newfound freedom – to run, to stretch, to be free, to experience all of these new aspects of life.  Her wire sleeping crate now contained a 4” mattress for her to rest on.  No longer did her feet hurt from the wire grating that her pads manipulated every day.  Ivy had sweaters to protect her from the early morning and evening chill.  She had fresh bowls of water – never ending!  No longer did she drink from the gerbil waterer.  She loved this – she was consuming a pint of water a night.


Ivy was vetted, spayed, fully vaccinated, microchipped, and received a much-needed dental.  Now Ivy was available for adoption.  And it didn’t take long.


Monica and her son Lucas were looking to add a Senior Sweetheart to their family.  Pippa, their little Shih Tzu mix, was 10 years of age and they wanted to add another senior to their family.  Monica, an powerful and vocal animal activist in her area, lobbied against the puppy mills and testing facilities in her area.  She had told herself and AHFK, that when the time came, “She would adopt a puppy mill baby – She would put her money where her mouth was.”   Monica was going to “practiced what she precached.”


Ivy made her way into the hearts and home of Monica and Lucas this past weekend.  It didn’t take long for little Ivy to scope out her new home, find her sleeping crate, her feeding area, and for her to be welcomed by her new fur-sister, Pippa.


Thank you, Monica and Lucas, for opening your hearts and home to this little girl; for giving her a family and a second chance.

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