Almost Home Foster Kennels

Dianne Snater
Almost Home Foster
MN LIcense #132328

From Deplorable, Filthy Living to a Lifestyle Worthy of a King

Bo Diddley, what a long, hard journey you have had.  Bo was confiscated, taken from the only home he had known by the Animal Control Officer in Greene County Virginia.  The living conditions were deplorable, filthy, unhealthy.  The County Officers rounded up all the animals on the property, placed them in area shelters and pounds to await the court hearing set forth by the County Officials.  Daisy and Bo were placed in the Greene County Animal Shelter in Ruckersville VA.

The first court hearing was postponed.  For two additional weeks Daisy and Bo were confined to their cell.  They had never been “indoors” before.  They had never had human contact or interaction.  They had lived outside, all day and all night, regardless of weather, regardless of the cold nights or the scorching heat of day.  But, they were survivors.

T Anna Swanson, ACO of Greene County contacted AHFK and asked if we could take the pair.  We set up foster with Jennifer Matias Dufner and Christine Gribble Sutherly.  The two were vetted and made their way to Almost Home Foster Kennels in Minnesota.

Daisy acclimated rather quickly, and she found her furever home and family shortly after arriving in Minnesota.  Bo, or Bo Diddley as he was called, took longer to trust, was leerier of new surroundings and events, held back from touch and cuddles; he was always in flight-mode, survival mode.

Then…an application came in from Doug.  Doug was a foster for rescues located in Central Minnesota.  Doug took on the difficult ones; those that had seen the worst, experienced the worst, those that had a past that they couldn’t shake or forget.  Doug, and his husband Lance, wanted Bo Diddley.

Bo’s journey took him to West Central Minnesota where he met his furever family and discovered that place that he could call home.  Still nervous and unsure at first, he quickly began to relax when Doug held him close, sharing space on the couch with him.  Soon, very soon, the panting subsided, and the body relaxed.  Bo Diddley knew that he was finally home.

Thank you, Doug and Lance, for opening your hearts and home to Bo, now known as Bodie.  Thank you for giving him the home, the family, the life that he deserves.

05.02.2023 PUPDATE:  From his dad, Doug:

Bodie is gradually settling in and becoming accustomed to us and the rhythm of life. He is quite a character. It starts to show when he’s calm. He’s letting us pet him. Yesterday, during my classes, he stretched out on the sectional with me in the family room downstairs. He photobombed me in one of my classes when he was playing mountain goat investigating things from the top of the sectional. He then came down and curled up and snuggled for a nap beside me for the rest of class. Of course, everyone is in love with him!  He now lets me cradle his face in my hands and look me in the eyes so I can tell him that he’s not invisible, I see him, he matters, and we love him. He lets me rest our foreheads together. So bonding is starting well. Once can figure out the routine and rhythm, he’ll settle down fully and relax for some significant belly rubs! It’s interesting how much faster he is settling than our last beagle rescued from a puppy mill operation, Syd. It took a good month before he to where we’re at with Bodie. He and the local neighborhood kids hit it off during one his walks yesterday.

We absolutely adore this little guy! For me it was love at first sight! Sometimes you just know it instantly.

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