Almost Home Foster Kennels

Dianne Snater
Almost Home Foster
MN LIcense #132328

Rescued from Horrible, Deplorable Conditions; Now Junior is Living Life Large

It’s personal.
I wear my emotions on my sleeve. I seem to take everything personally.
Rescue is personal. Applications and adoptions are taken personally.
No different when it came to the application and adoption process for Junior, which started before he even left West Virginia.
Bruce and Mary have been personal friends of mine since the late 70’s. Mary and I went to college together, partied together, cried together, but more importantly, we laughed and loved life together. So when Mary stated the “Junior was the one” I took it personally. Elated and ecstatically so.
Junior was initially pulled from deplorable, horrendous living conditions in Virginia by a West Virginia rescue. His chances of getting the life, the family and the home that he deserved were slim to none if he stayed where he was. Jennifer Michele Alvarez asked if we could do right by him. And thus, Junior continued his journey to Almost Home Foster MN License #132328 and toward his furever home and family.
Yesterday, Junior and I made the trek to my old college days stomping ground. Back to the home of my personal and good (great) friend Mary and Bruce, and to the furever home and family of Junior.
His dad, Poppa Bruce, is so great that he even took the time to make sure that his sleeping crate was “just right.”
Now, that’s family!
Thank you, Mary and Bruce for opening your hearts and home to Junior, to giving him a chance at the best life, home and family possible. Heart hugs always…and thank you for lunch yesterday…it was A-mazing.

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