And we didn’t stop with our Déjà Vu experiences today. We had one more incredible adoption this morning.
Rigby, along with Ghost and Dieter, traveled to Minnesota from West Virginia. As of today, all three now lay claim to Minnesota homes and families. Now that’s Minnesota Nice!
Rigby found himself without a home and family in West Virginia. He had been passed around, lived with one family, however, it didn’t work out. Lived with another for 5 years, then it was determined that, “She just didn’t want him anymore.” Rigby found himself in foster, just waiting a place and a family to call his own.
Today Rigby found that family with Gary and Marie. Today, Rigby found his furever home. Today, Rigby got his very own hooman boy! His hooman brother was quick to show him his new sleeping quarters…he would be sharing it with his hooman brother. Rigby was just as smitten with his new brother!
Thank you, Gary and Marie for opening your hearts and home to Rigby. Thank you for giving him what he needed and deserved; YOU!