Almost Home Foster Kennels

Dianne Snater
Almost Home Foster
MN LIcense #132328

Ringo is the Star in Her Furever Home with Her Furever Family

“Dianne, I have an 8 week old Chihuahua. Can you take her?”

“Felicia, I can take any Chi.  We can find homes for all the Chi’s up here.”

“Okay, but I’m not driving to Kansas City to meet you with just one dog.  I will find two more.”

So goes the typical conversation between Foster Momma Felicia Stilley and me on a regular basis.  We each make the 5-hour trip to Kansas City, meeting in the middle, she – bringing up foster fur babies and me taking them back to Minnesota.  On April 13th Felicia and I met, and she placed three “Chihuahuas” in my vehicle.

I looked at the three “chi’s,” grinned and said, “Well, that one is all Pittie.  That one is a Chi/Terrier mix, and that one is a Min-Pin.”

Felicia grinned back, “Well, they all look Chihuahua to me!”    Ringo’s mom in Oklahoma has dementia and could no longer take care of herself or her fur-babies.  The family stepped in and secured rescue for her babies.  They wanted to make sure that they would be cared for before placing mom in hospice care.  Felicia stepped up and assured the family that she would find rescue.  AHFK was ready to take them on.


And, it is true, beauty is in the eye of the beholder as Ringo, our little Min-Pin caught the eye and heart of Robin.  Robin’s favorite breed, those that weasel their way into her heart is the Min-Pin breed.  And, this past weekend, Ringo made her way to her furever home and family.  There was a catch in Robin’s voice when she met Ringo for the first time.  And MacRae, her new fur-sister was quite smitten also.


Thank you, Robin, for opening your heart and home to Ringo.  Thank you for giving her the life she truly deserves.


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