So, where did December go? It appears that Almost Home Foster and Rescue went from 12 amazing adoptions in November to January 1st, 2025 when we celebrated our first, incredible adoption of the New Year…more on that when we catch up with our December celebrations.
Early December, Foster Momma Felicia Stilley of Oklahoma initiated the rescue journey of 4 littles from the Holdenville OK area to Almost Home Foster & Rescue in Minnesota. With the help of Michelle Zdybicki, Transport Coordinator and the volunteer, dedicated drivers that come to the aid and assist of moving rescue dogs and animals across this nation, Jack, Jill, Blondie and Poppy made the day’s trip safely and without incident.
Jack and Jill had the same owner. The owners, a young couple stated that they could no longer afford to feed them, nor could they afford any veterinary care. Left in an outside pen all day…it doesn’t take much imagination to figure out what their fate could have been.
Brian and Cindy had just recently lost their Jack Russell Terrier of 16years. Their 4 children, grown and with families of their own, had given their little JRT, Jack an incredible life and home. He was their baby, their life, their everything in their empty-nester home. His RV’ing skills were topped by none, travelling and see the sights, he was truly a family member. His passing left a huge void in Brian and Cindy’s life. The house was quiet. The daily routine was disruptive, when they looked at each other, they cried. They had so much love to give and in order to honor their beloved Jack, they could love another.
Jack, now known as Jack 2, was the perfect fit for this family. With his JRT antics, energy and his desire for his own family, it didn’t take long for Brian and Cindy to fall in love with this little guy, or for Jack to take over the home and lives of this family.
Brian and Cindy, our hearts hurt for your loss. We are also truly grateful that your hearts are so large and giving that you were able to give Jack 2 the home and family that he deserves.
Jack, as your name implies, you truly hit the Jackpot, or maybe 2.