Almost Home Foster Kennels

Dianne Snater
Almost Home Foster
MN LIcense #132328

Fran Gets a Second Chance with the Help From Her Earth Angels

Fran was found in a home, in the DeRidder LA area, after her owners had moved away, leaving herself
and another furbaby to fend for themselves. Strays, abandoned furbabies, and owner/surrenders have
little chance of making it out of the animal shelters alive in this region of the country. The animal
shelter’s intake to adoption/reclaim ratio is overwhelming. And typically, most test out positive for
tick/flea borne diseases or are heartworm positive. Fran, however, beat the odds because she had an
angel in her corner. That angel, with her wings tucked in, is Amy Delia Smith. And, when it comes to
wingless angels, there is none better.

Amy contacted Almost Home Foster & Rescue and asked if we could help. We were slammed. Our
numbers this Summer hit an all-time high of 40 furbabies in rescue, at the farm. I needed a foster for 8
weeks; 2-month commitment from a foster and we would be able to take Fran into rescue. Amy found
that foster.

This past weekend, on Saturday, Fran continued her journey to her furever home and family. Richard
and Kathy had recently lost their lab mix furbaby to cancer. As devastating and heart wrenching as
losing a family member is, the hole in their hearts needed to be filled. They began the search for
another family member. Fran’s beautiful, blue eyes grabbed their souls. And although they searched
sites for others to adopt, they always returned to Fran.

Fran was welcomed into her new home by her family with open hearts and arms. The two week
sleepover period was cut short by 11 days when Richard informed us that Fran was home. She was
family. That they fell in love with her right out of the car.

Fran has made the ultimate cross-country travel from DeRidder LA to just minutes from the Canadian
border. Time, travel, and the dedication of an earth-angel ensured Fran’s second chance to live life as
she so richly deserved.

Heart hugs and immense gratitude that made this all come together.

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