Almost Home Foster Kennels

Dianne Snater
Almost Home Foster
MN LIcense #132328

Even in Critical Condition, Freida’s Family Stays Committed

Freida made her way to Almost Home Foster & Rescue as a breeder-release.  She is a small, petite 7 pounds of sweetness that was given a chance to find a home and family of her own.


Freida had a family waiting for her.  Lorraine and Tony were quick to submit their application and were ever inquiring as to how she was doing and when could she come “home.”


Unfortunately, while waiting for her last vetting appointment, Freida was involved in an altercation with another dog.  Her size and pettiness did not offer her much in the way of defense.  Freida took on some severe injuries and in a matter of minutes we were en route to the ER Veterinary Hospital in Rochester.


After two days in critical condition, she was transferred to the ER Veterinary Hospital in Arden Hills MN.  She spent another two nights and a day before she was deemed stable enough to be released.


Tony and Lorraine kept in constant contact with us and asked,  “When can she come to us?  When can she come home?”


The decision was made to move Freida to her new home and family just 4 days after her discharge.  She would receive around-the-clock care and supervision with her new momma.  Their home is quiet and Freida would be Lorraine’s sole focus.


Freida had her first after-care veterinary visit yesterday.  The staples were removed and additional antibiotics were prescribed.  Freida is healing well, active on short walks, exploring her new home, and she eating and drinking well.


Tony and Lorraine, many families would have walked away.  Many would have turned their backs on Freida.  We are extremely grateful that you stayed committed to Freida, that you considered her family, and that you wouldn’t give up.


Thank you for your large hearts and your open door.  Freida has the best family and home.


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