Almost Home Foster Kennels

Dianne Snater
Almost Home Foster
MN LIcense #132328

Deemed Unsaleable, Chewy is Given a Chance at Becoming a Family Member.

Ah, Chewy, Chewy, Chewy, Chewy, Chewy, Chewy, Chewy, Baby,


Another SU-Weet! King Cavalier and Mini-Poodle Mix, also known as Cavapoo.  Chewy was released because he was classified as a Cryptic Orchid, or only one testicle had descended.  Breeders cannot sell pups with deficiencies such as this.  Therefore, Chewy was given the chance to be fully vetted and become a member of a loving family.


Chewy, now known as Baxter, travelled 4 hours to the East to find his furever home and family.  Chewy acquired a Fur-brother, and a human-sister, making this family complete.  Arleigh, his new human sister, is the reason that Chewy came to be a member of this family.  Before I even returned home, I received a video showing Chewy in full training mode with Arleigh.  She was heart and soul into her furbaby and was all in when it came to training and care.


Thank you, Josh, Sophia, and Arleigh, for opening your hearts and home to Chewy.  Thank you for giving him the family that he so richly deserves.  We are furever grateful.

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