Almost Home Foster Kennels

Dianne Snater
Almost Home Foster
MN LIcense #132328

Sophie, Released from Breeding, gets Her Home and Family

In June of 2023 Almost Home Foster & Rescue agreed to help three local breeders with downsizing their numbers. Sophie a 2 ½ year-old Boston Terrier was released to AHFK because of this agreement.
Mollie, a work from home pet parent has been looking for another family member for quite a while. Her resident furbaby, Bug-a-Boo is quite submissive so the quest to find the right fur-sibling for him was no small feat. Mollie didn’t want Bugs to be intimidated or to be overwhelmed with another furbaby in the home. It was important and imperative that Bugs was comfortable with a new furbaby and could bond with him/her. Mollie gave AFHK the task of selecting the “just right” furbaby for the meet and greet.
And we nailed it.
Sophie was the perfect compliment and friend for Bugs, and just what Mollie wanted in a furbaby in personality, temperament, and attitude. The entire meet and greet was perfect in every aspect.
Thank you, Mollie, for opening your heart and home to Sophie. Thank you for giving her the family, the love, the compassion that she deserves.
Heart Hugs!

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